Libby is an Internationally Certified Life Coach, Trauma Recovery Coach, Author and crisis response expert. She brings many skills to the table including 20 years of experience helping people in crisis, training & facilitation skills, coaching and her natural clairvoyant gifts. She specializes in cult recovery through her practice at Listening Tree Studio & Coaching and supports her clients to create a meaningful life. She was a Jehovah's Witness for 10 years and is now dedicated to helping others with their recovery. Libby is very connected to nature and is an avid gardener, enjoys fiber arts and is a stained glass artisan.
A story of losing and then restoring my voice and my power
By Libby Pease
“Remember to breathe” – Mom
I was told in a meeting with the elders that my husband’s affairs with other women were my fault. I was not submissive enough. I spoke up too often and therefore he is justified in his actions. I could not believe what I was hearing. Not only had my husband left the country, but I was underemployed with a toddler, a mortgage and now I was to bear the sins of another person. This was when I knew that I could not be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses any longer.
How could I build a life when my world was crumbling all around me?